Sunday, January 6, 2008
7:15 PM

Alhamdulillah.. Last night was a fantabulous wrap-up to an otherwise sup-bz week. What with all the bruhaha of school post-hol season, the mad morning rush & 3 sleepyheads squabbling over toilet-turns. As if to add salt to injury, the human Q in the office seemed to get longer everyday. Didn't those in the Q have better things to do? As I'd lamented earlier, I have been coming home v3 late from work..sigh! InsyaaAllah things may be looking up soon.. Tell more about it when it happens..

About last night.. It was thanksgiving @Liz&Mik's place for a number of goods things that have come their way & even better things rolling.. InsyaaAllah I cannot help but to blurt out grandchild #11 may well be on its way.. Sorry sis..hehe..Congrats Liz&Mik! But the essence of the occasion was to see siblings resolve their differences amicably albeit a tad hurt.. For that, Alhamdulillah... As for the food - fuyooh - what a spread of Mak's cuisine albeit prepared by the 'cook import' Aminah.. To top it off, Yoyo made some mouthwatering sugee (modified by course lah..Yo, care to share the recipe?)

But during such an occasion never fails to see the bond between 8 grandchildren (a li'l sad that Yasmeen & Haikal couldn't be with us) gets stronger with each reunion (as Jaja aptly refers to as 'Cuzzies Unite'). To see them laugh, play, squabble, cry & make peace again always help me recollect the times when Abang, Yo, Liz & I did likewise.. Treasured moments those were.. InsyaaAllah, thou' we don't always meet & gather, I know for sure that Distance makes the Heart grows fonder.. Miss u a££...

a letter to 3f: Hi Anak2 Sayang, tentu gembira dpt berkumpul semula dgn adik2 sepupu semalam kan? Walau tak selalu dapat bertemu, Mak yakin kamu rindu pada adik2 kan? Mak harap ketika kamu bermain & bersenda gurau dengan mereka, layani mereka dengan kasih sayang yang tidak berbelah bagi. Ingat pesan Rasul Mulia..hormati yang tua & sayangi yang muda.. Setiap kita bertemu sahabat, pastikan ia pertemuan yang semakin mengeratkan silaturrahmi. Ketika hendak bersurai dari pertemuan, jabat & dakap sahabat kita dengan erat seolah2 itulah kali terakhir kita bertemu dengannya. Ketika kamu meninggalkan mereka, maafkan & doakan mereka. Moga2 setiap persahabatan yang anak2 Mak jalin akan disokong Rahmat I£ahi & berkekalan hasanat di dalamnya. Ameen3 YRA...

---{A nice Autumn outing.}---

Thursday, January 3, 2008
9:20 PM

Whoa!! 2008...hold ur reins back a li'l bit buddy... That today is 3rd goin' on 4th is pretty rushin', don't u think? Anyway, if u gotta go, U hv to go..

2nd day of school 1st term & I'm already missing my 3f - my heart & soul anytime, anywhere.... Seems like yesteryear was aeons ago.. Just five weeks ago Zana was standing as tall as Mak.. And today, she stands 2inches taller than I am.. & so is everyone else around sigh..cruel world!! Alhamdulillah, my babies are all grown up now...outgrown me rather....

a letter to my 3f: Mak juz wanna mention how grateful I am for all ur noble help all these 5wks of hols. It touches my heart each time Mak recall the help u rendered around the house voluntarily. I have not met any mom as lucky, u know. Bapak feels the same way too & his rewards come swiftly. Mak still owe each of u your rewards..hehe.. But at least for now, Mak ask Allah to encapsulate each of my 3f with His arRahmah & alGhaniyy. Mak ask Allah to build a special abode for each of my 3f in alJannah. Ameen3YRA..

Hopes & wishes... esp for 3F.. My mantra never changes: That u will put ur best foot forward all the time. That u will reap what u sow. That u will be contented rather than satisfied. Never resign to Fate what u r capable of changing.

InsyaaAllah, may this year's challenges enhance ur Eeman which Mak hope will manifest itself into Wisdom & Character.. Ameen3YRA.. till my next letter..bye

---{A nice Autumn outing.}---

Sunday, December 30, 2007
11:00 PM

Alhamdulillah.. Today is the rarest occasion I spent with my beloved Jaja. Yup, juz the 2 of us. A girls' dy-out I would say. We went to a parent-teacher meeting @Masj Sultan & then to a walk-about around Arab Street. Haven't done that in the longest time. What's more in the good company of that ever-comforting F1. As for Iman & Zana, I know they were having an equally smashing day out elsewhere. They chose to perspire & go with Bapak to his regular soccer outing. Eeeww...

As it turns out, today IS really rewarding for all 5. During the meeting, Ust Yousaf noted that Iman was v good in makhrajul huruf, particularly & in hefez, generally, Alhamdulillah. I know this far that Jaja displays those well better than the other 2. She is always a consistent worker. But then again, Iman is never a show-off. An underdog who always has a trumpcard somewhere up his sleeve. May Allah ever-sustain His Hidayah on my 3F. Did not get to see Ustzh Suci Salsabilah thou' as she was down with a high fever. May Allah grant her a speedy recovery with Al-Hikmah upon her, Ameen3YRA..

a letter to 3f: What a day today has been.. A good report by the teacher followed by a splendid afternoon tour of Arab Street with that girl Jaja. We both tucked in & shared a plate of mee goreng. It was quite good until than mama did the unthinkable...wanna know wat he did?? He happily sneezed & sneezed & sneezed... Yucks & triple Yucks! Our appetite shut down juz like that.. Then otw to Bugis mrt, i bought a pkt of chocos. Then disaster followed.. Dat Jaja spilled three-quarter of the chocos & sent them scattering in the train..Phew! Lucky we got away scot-free... Then she told me she was guilt-ridden...while happily munching away her OWN bar of choco...

Bapak was overwhelmed by Iman's talent @soccer. He admitted he underestimated Iman's smelly scoring feet. Told u he was an underweardog. Then Bapak bragged abt how Iman bodychecked one fat fellow & sent him flying to the gate or fence. Poor fat fellow...

Zana was talking excessively (as always) on her reunion with her longlost supbuddy, Wisya... Real pity jaja n i couldn't be part of this Dynamic Duo.. Coz we know when F3 & D3 meet, the 'Wow' factor is juz contagious to everyone around them.. Miss u loads, Wisya..

---{A nice Autumn outing.}---

Saturday, December 29, 2007
5:51 PM

Alhamdulillah..segala puji bagiNya yg mengutus 1 khabaran gembira tentang kepulangan tetamuNya yg diundang ke Baitillah... Ahlan wa sahlan wa marhaban kpd sahabat kami Hj Ahmad & Hjh Ita... Khabar ini amat dinanti2 oleh sekalian yg mengenali baik budi pekerti yg menjadi pakaian pasangan bahagia ini. Mudah2an suatu hari nanti kita akan bersua lagi.. Teruja di hati kami ingin mendengar perjalanan ibadah dua orang tetamu istimewa Allah ni.. Selamat pulang ya Safiyyaati 'Azeezatan...

a letter to 3f: Another bz day indeed today.. Apologies for coming home late yet again.. How was ur day? Bet it was another day of fun with a capital ' f ', huh? If u read the abv, u must also feel the same way as I do. The safe return of good friends fm the humble yet noble journey of hajj. The more i think of it, the more i realize that only the chosen ones r called upon to His Abode.. Let's pray hard & even harder that we shall follow suit one day in His Own Good Time - as a family.. Only a family that prays together, stays together..don't u think?

---{A nice Autumn outing.}---

Tuesday, December 25, 2007
8:26 PM

Salam mahabbah to all.
This is my blog for now.
Will update more later.

---{A nice Autumn outing.}---

Hatibunda Is Me

Welcome To My Site
Normelati Ja'afar


music player
I made this music player at
Lessons 2b Learnt

- Always appreciate the good deeds of others;
- Patience always pays handsome rewards;
- A family that prays together stays together;
- A friend in need is a friend indeed;
- Always 4give but be prepared x2b4given;
- Reflect & look back, but do not turn back;
- Look +vely 4wd & move bravely onward;
- To err is human; To 4give is divine;
- Distance makes the Heart grow fonder;
- Once bitten; twice shy (thou' may not b necc true);
- Always put your best food forward & stride ahead;
- Stand corrected gracefully at any given time;
- When there is Pain, there is Gain;
- One person's loss is another's gain;
- One person's trash is another's treasure;
- When in doubt, always ask - never assume;
- One who hears does not always listen;
- Failure is Success in Postponed mode;

Speak To Me

My Loved Ones

Dear Sis Yoyo :: Jaja :: Zanah :: Iman:: Sahirah :: Ari Yusmir

